cuba government

by Joshua Brown
cuba government

Cuba is a country located in the Caribbean Sea, south of Florida and east of Mexico. It has been ruled by a socialist government since 1959, when Fidel Castro overthrew its former leader Fulgencio Batista. The Cuban government is led by the Communist Party of Cuba (PCC), which holds absolute power over all aspects of political life on the island nation.

The current form of Cuban government was established following the Cuban Revolution in 1959 when Fidel Castro overthrew President Fulgencio Batista and took control as Prime Minister. In 1976 he became First Secretary to lead the PCC, making him both head-of-state and chief executive officer for Cuba’s single party system. Political decisions are made at this highest level with input from lower levels within each sector such as health care or education; however ultimate authority rests with leaders like Raul Castro who succeeded his brother Fidel after illness forced him into retirement in 2006 .
Raul reigned until 2018 before handing power to Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez who currently serves as president – although technically still subordinate to Raúl – being only able to make changes approved by senior leadership due to constitutional restrictions against independent decision making outside their scope .

Under communist rule, Cubans are provided free access healthcare , social security benefits , employment opportunities , housing subsidies among other state funded amenities but lack freedom commonly found elsewhere including individual liberties such as speech or assembly without permission from higher authorities . Despite some popular resistance under these restrictive policies many citizens remain loyal supporters while others have sought asylum abroad citing oppressive conditions they face daily living there despite recent attempts at reform allowing certain activities previously deemed subversive yet no fundamental change has taken place either legally or economically leaving them largely isolated internationally & unable even freely travel outwards without special licenses issued solely upon high ranking official’s discretion

As part of its communist ideology all private businesses must be owned collectively meaning any profits go directly back into sustaining public services instead benefitting individuals themselves– though there exists an informal economy where people can trade goods not available through normal channels if willing risk facing legal repercussions should caught doing so

Overall then it appears that despite occasional adjustments towards modernization efforts aimed increasing international relations between countries much remains same way it did during early days post revolution control firmly lying hands those top positions within ruling party controlling every aspect society down smallest detail ensuring status quo never truly challenged nor changed fundamentally

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