Colorado state government

by Joshua Brown
Colorado state government

Colorado State Government is the state government of Colorado, a U.S. state in the Rocky Mountain region of North America. The capital of Colorado is Denver and it has four branches: executive, legislative, judicial and local governments with varying degrees of autonomy over their governing powers within their jurisdiction boundaries as established by the Constitution of Colorado.

The Executive branch consists primarily of elected officials including Governor Jared Polis who serves as chief executive for a four year term; Lieutenant Governor Dianne Primavera; Secretary Of State Jena Griswold; Attorney General Phil Weiser and Treasurer Dave Young all serve alongside him on his cabinet while other appointed positions make up most departments such as Human Services or Transportation among others that handle specific areas like health care or roads respectively at both county and state levels .

The Legislative branch consists mainly of two parts divided between upper house Senate (35 members) led by President Leroy Garcia III since 2019 along with lower House which holds 65 representatives to oversee laws passed each session held from January through May every year but may be extended if needed unlike special sessions called outside regular dates when necessary .

The Judicial branch uses Supreme Court justices elected for ten-year terms plus many district courts across 64 counties that form part this system legally responsible for interpreting legal matters throughout entire territory according different statutes published during particular period time prior conviction can take place otherwise invalidate any decision made without following certain procedures correctly depending upon area involved ..

Finally Local Governments are organized differently than other three branches where they have more authority concerning municipal issues like zoning regulations taxes public safety etc however some overlap exist between them due differences interpretation these topics so remain important factor consider while planning out policies being implemented community level too ..

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