Colombia government

by Joshua Brown
Colombia government

Colombia is a unitary presidential constitutional republic located in South America. The government of Colombia is structured as a centralized state with the executive, legislative and judicial branches all operating at both the national and local level.

Executive Branch
The Executive Branch of Colombia consists of the President, Vice-President, Council of Ministers and independent public ministries. The President holds supreme authority over foreign policy decisions while also responsible for setting internal policies related to security, economy and social matters among others. Additionally they are able to appoint cabinet members from their own political party or coalition. Presidential elections take place every four years on May 25th with no term limits imposed upon incumbent presidents however re-election must be carried out by popular vote each time a president seeks another term in office.

Legislative branch: The Congress (Congreso) serves as Colombian’s National Legislative Body which includes two chambers – Senate (Senado) representing regional states and House of Representatives (Cámara de Representantes )representing constituencies based population size). Both chambers have equal powers but voting within them occurs independently from one another when it comes to budget allocation or new laws proposed . Laws passed require approval from both houses before becoming valid thus making it difficult for any single power group obtaining full control over legislation process without forming coalitions between parties present across senate/house chamber lines . This system allows minority groups more say into decision making processes than would occur under alternate systems such as single house legislature setups found elsewhere around world ..

Judicial branch : Supreme Court heads up judiciary system composed various lower courts along with specialized tribunals including Constitutional Court , State Council Chamber Administrative Law & Labor Courts . Judges appointed life terms serve until retirement age 65 unless removed due misconduct charges brought against them after investigation period .. All criminal cases heard first instance court proceedings appellate levels depending case complexity severity while civil disputes discussed during initial trial hearing subject appeal if dissatisfied outcome reached thereupon …. Constitution provides citizens right seek legal remedies through law enforcement agencies should breaches rights occur thereby protecting individual liberties enshrined document its entirety … Local governments run separately federal structure maintaining autonomy running certain aspects jurisdiction particular region such tax collection public works projects etc allowing regions set own priorities focus development efforts accordingly… In conclusion Government Colombia has highly decentralized yet efficient structure providing necessary checks balances promote democratic principles maintain stability country..

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