
by Joshua Brown

Clovis is an archaeological culture that existed from around 11,500 to 8,000 years ago. It was named after the town of Clovis in New Mexico where its first site was discovered by paleontologist Harold Cook in 1929. The Clovis people are believed to have been among the earliest inhabitants of North America and were especially prolific on what is now known as the Great Plains.

The artifacts associated with this culture include stone tools made using a distinctive fluting technique and projectile points which are generally considered to be spear or dart heads used for hunting prey such as large mammals like bison. These objects are often referred to as “Clovis Points” because they were commonly found at sites attributed to this culture throughout much of western North America ranging from present-day Alaska all the way down into northern South America (although their presence has also been established elsewhere).

It is thought that these early peoples arrived via boat across either land bridges exposed during periods when ocean levels were lower than today or through coastal migration routes along both sides of Beringia – a vast region connecting eastern Asia and northwestern North America prior to modern times. There remains some debate amongst anthropologists regarding whether Clovis people descended directly from earlier Paleoindian cultures like Folsom or if they represented more recent immigrants moving southward out onto the plains – likely following herds of game animals such as mammoths, camels and horses which populated much of pre-historic North American ecology until becoming extinct shortly thereafter due mainly human activity (overhunting) combined with climate change caused by natural phenomena such as volcanic eruptions occurring during those millennia long ago).

Evidence suggests that these hunter gatherer societies relied heavily upon fishing/salmon runs located near inland rivers perhaps supplemented further with seasonal migrations towards major food sources such as migrating birds or nuts/fruits growing within riparian forests lining river banks etc… All indications point toward them having developed sophisticated technologies allowing them great success even though populations may not have been particularly dense overall due largely wide open nature regions then sparsely inhabited by humans relatively speaking compared other areas world over occupied since many thousands years before our current era began unfolding so very recently still comparatively speaking if viewed against backdrop Earth’s entire geologic timeline anyway given enough time span reference available us consider while contemplating mysterious origins ancient peoples existing far distant past so removed yet close if one looks hard enough deep beneath surface apparent things just below sight image view take away leaving only essence behind pure raw essential energy thereupon born man left mark history proudly indeed!

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