Church and state

by Joshua Brown
Church and state

Church and state is a term used to describe the relationship between organized religion and civil government structures, such as legislative bodies. It can also refer to the concept of separation of church and state, which refers to keeping them separate in order for both institutions to remain unbiased toward one another.

The history of Church and State relations dates back centuries when religious authorities were powerful political forces who held authority over members of their faith alongside secular rulers that governed entire countries or regions. This often resulted in an overlap between religious laws (which could be enforced by these spiritual leaders) along with those decreed by governments. During this period, it was common for different faiths within a country’s borders all vie for power against each other; leading some nations into religiously motivated wars like The Crusades during medieval times due warring sects attempting dictate what beliefs should be accepted across multiple cultures & societies.

This changed drastically throughout Europe after Martin Luther initiated Protestant Reformation whereby his new ideas counteracted Catholics’ control over many aspects from politics down education- eventually causing heads states adopt more tolerant policies towards non-Catholic religions while emphasizing individual rights instead collective rule under papal edict . This trend continued onward until 18th century where rationalist ideals set precedence among European monarchies furthering notion “separation church & state” (meaning no single denomination would given official recognition). Over time even United States through its founding documents declared same principle despite vast majority being Christian at start development nation today still remains largely secular albeit influenced deeply Judeo-Christian principles first established settlers/pioneers coming shore much earlier eras life America began take shape around 1700’s before Revolutionary War broke out 1776 setting stage modern society stands today amidst constant debates about how far apart two entities should maintained ensure citizens have freedom practice whatever belief systems wish without fear persecution either side spectrum whether practicing forms Heathenism Buddhism Islam etcetera on end scale representing people completely abstain any type affiliation whatsoever so long abide law find themselves caught middle seemingly perpetual tug-of-war involving conceptions morality legality theology..

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