
by Joshua Brown

China, officially the People’s Republic of China (PRC), is a country located in East Asia. It is the world’s most populous country with over 1.4 billion people, and it covers approximately 9.6 million square kilometers making it the third largest country by total area behind Russia and Canada. The capital city of Beijing serves as both national political center and cultural hub for Chinese civilization which has historically been one of the oldest civilizations on Earth.

The PRC was founded in 1949 after a successful revolution led by Mao Zedong that overthrew centuries-old imperial rule known as dynastic cycle or “feudalism”. Since then, under Communist Party leadership, China has experienced tremendous economic growth becoming what some scholars call an “economic miracle” due to its rise from poverty into a major global presence today despite facing many challenges along way such as trade wars with other countries including US during Trump administration era starting 2017 when tariffs were imposed against each other; this conflict however ended 2021 January 15th when Biden took office signing executive order lifting those earlier tariffs establishing more friendly relations between two nations going forward eventually leading toward new phase characterized by cooperation rather than competition among them opening up opportunities create even better future together rather than apart .

Today modern day China stands out globally boasting one fastest growing economies world thanks largely advancements made technological research development sectors that have helped propel nation towards higher standards living while also contributing significantly international innovation field especially given recent efforts invest heavily artificial intelligence space providing massive opportunity expand capabilities not just within own borders but beyond helping bridge gap knowledge economy where data driven decisions can make all difference competitive advantage needed succeed long term basis various industries ranging medical healthcare telecommunications autonomous vehicles much more because having access resources tools information at fingertips literally level playing field allowing everyone play their part advancing human race while simultaneously gaining rewards associated doing so without leaving any person group out process either end result being stronger unified society capable overcoming obstacles stand face today tomorrow come no matter how difficult they may seem start off .

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