Capital punishment

by Joshua Brown
Capital punishment

Capital punishment, also known as the death penalty or execution, is a government-sanctioned practice in which an individual is put to death by the state as punishment for a crime. It has been used throughout history and across cultures in various forms including crucifixion, drowning, stoning, burning at the stake and beheading. In recent times it has become increasingly rare with only a handful of countries still actively using it such as China (with over 1 000 executions per year), Iran (over 300 executions) and Saudi Arabia amongst others.

In most modern societies capital punishment remains controversial due to its wide ranging implications on human rights issues such as torture prevention and racial bias within sentencing decisions. Many religious groups have taken stances against capital punishment citing passages from scripture that emphasize compassion for criminals rather than retribution; other opponents argue that executing prisoners does not provide any form of deterrence beyond that already achieved through incarceration alone while some believe life imprisonment without parole should serve instead of execution when guilt can be proven beyond reasonable doubt but certain circumstances prevent conviction under criminal law . Supporters often cite justice being served or retribution towards those who commit heinous crimes but many feel these reasons are outweighed by moral arguments regarding its unjustness particularly given lack of infallibility in convictions even today where forensic techniques allow for more accurate assessment then ever before .

Proponents point out economic benefits associated with implementation claiming savings made on long term prison costs however this argument fails to account fully additional expense incurred during trials , appeals ,and final preparations leading up to actual execution itself thus making overall impact difficult ascertain accurately . They may also make reference public opinion polls indicating majority support yet studies show people’s views vary greatly depending upon how question phrased & analysed whilst acceptance tends decrease if alternative punishments proposed ie life without parole compared simply debating pros cons directly related issue itself .

Despite ongoing debate there appears no definitive answer whether capital punishment acceptable justifiable society so far consensus reached international level condemning cruel unusual nature especially cases involving minors mentally disabled individuals though few jurisdictions now retain ability impose sentence appropriate situations where deemed necessary according legal system place involved regardless wider opinions held about morality application judgment reserved highest courts jurisdiction concerned until further changes take effect future date

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