Australia government

by Joshua Brown
Australia government

Australia is a federal parliamentary constitutional monarchy. The government of Australia, also referred to as the Australian Government, the Commonwealth Government or Federal Government, is composed of three distinct branches: the executive branch headed by the Prime Minister; legislative branch consisting of two chambers—the Senate and House of Representatives; and judicial branch which consists mainly of High Court justices.

The current Prime Minister since 2018 is Scott Morrison who leads a Liberal-National Coalition government elected in 2019 with a majority in both houses. The highest court authority within Australia’s legal system is held by nine Justices at the High Court (known formally as “The Honourable Chief Justice and other Justices”) sitting en banc in Canberra under its Chief Justice Robert French AC QC FAAL.

In addition to these branches there are several independent agencies including but not limited to Australian Taxation Office (ATO), Department for Infrastructure and Regional Development (DIRD) , National Disability Insurance Agency(NDIA). These organisations are responsible for providing services directly related to their respective ministries such as taxation collection/dispensation, infrastructure development plans etc that have been approved by parliament before implementation .

There has always been an effort from successive governments over time towards strengthening democracy through various reforms like improving electoral processes & systems e.g., introduction electronic voting systems across all states ; creating more transparency & accountability between state-federal relations via consultation mechanisms between different levels’ administrations making sure citizens voices heard on matters concerning them . Recently some initiatives were taken regarding increasing Indigenous representation at local level councils so fair representation can be ensured throughout nation .

In conclusion one can say that Australia has come long way from when it started off being British colony till now where it stands proud globally amongst most well developed nations having strong democratic institutions , vibrant economy & reliable public service delivery mechanism showing leadership role shouldered responsibility while maintaining commitment towards international obligations ..

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