
by Joshua Brown

Algae (singular alga) are a diverse group of aquatic organisms, ranging from single-celled microalgae to multicellular macroalgae. They inhabit oceans, rivers and lakes, as well as damp soil on land and even snowfields in the mountains. Algae have been around for millions of years and form the base of many food webs.

Algae can be divided into two major groups: green algae which contain chlorophylls a and b and store energy through photosynthesis; and red/brown algae which mainly use other pigments such as phycobilins or fucoxanthin for light capture but also have chlorophylls a&b. The latter tend to live deeper in water than green algae due to their greater ability to absorb longer wavelengths of sunlight like red & blue light needed at depths below 15 metres where most green species cannot survive anymore because only short wavelength radiation still reaches there – they need higher levels of irradiance available close to the surface layer instead . Both types however share common features such as cell walls made up mainly out of polysaccharides like cellulose or agar plus different kinds proteins associated with them depending on each specific family member’s lifestyle requirements..

The role that these living organisms play is important since they produce oxygen through photosynthesis while consuming carbon dioxide – thus playing an essential part in Earth’s atmospheric balance between both gases by reducing its concentration significantly over time if not regularly renewed periodically via natural processes happening elsewhere too e.g rainforest deforestation may compromise this equilibrium eventually leading towards global warming scenarios! But apart from providing us with fresh air there are other benefits derived from their presence including food sources when harvested correctly without endangering any population stocks so far exploited commercially nowadays., Furthermore , some pharmaceutical drugs being developed using components obtained after processing certain seaweeds varieties very promisingly having properties capable enough fighting against cancer cells effectively nowdays!. Finally it should be mentioned various forms used beautifying products ias face creams , shampoos etc relying heavily upon substances extracted carefully selected specimens collected offshore safely afterwards manufactured accordingly mostly obtainable nowadays high street shops near you shortly…!

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