Alaska state government

by Joshua Brown
Alaska state government

Alaska State Government is composed of three branches: executive, legislative and judicial. The current governor of Alaska is Mike Dunleavy, who was elected in 2018.

Executive Branch
The executive branch consists of the Governor’s cabinet which includes six departments with different areas of responsibility. It also oversees a number of independent agencies such as the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) and the Department of Natural Resources (DNR). The main responsibilities include preparing budgets for state government operations; developing policy initiatives; managing public resources efficiently; providing services to citizens through various departments; protecting human life, health, safety and welfare; promoting economic development throughout the state; enforcing laws fairly without prejudice or favoritism towards any particular person or group.

Legislative Branch
The Alaska Legislature comprises two chambers -the House Representatives and Senate- which together form a bicameral legislature responsible for making laws that govern all aspects related to Alaskan people’s lives including taxation, social issues like marriage rights etc., transportation systems as well as natural resource management acts among other things. Currently led by Speaker Bryce Edgmon from Dillingham since 2017 it has 60 members – 40 representatives in its lower chamber while 20 senators form its upper one– elected every two years on staggered terms across multiple districts within each borough/city respectively called house districts & senate districts.. All legislators are limited to four consecutive terms after being reelected 2 times consecutively they must wait 4 years before coming eligible again into power thus preserving their impartiality towards individual groups or interests at large .

Judicial Branch
The Supreme Court holds ultimate appellate jurisdiction over all legal disputes arising out either federal law ,state statutes or regulations made thereunder .It supervises administrative functions associated with court system like granting certiorari petitions , issuing writs mandamus et alii necessary proceedings keeping check upon judiciary remain unbiased & fair when deciding cases via following due process laid down under US Constitution Article III Section 1 ..Further more trial courts exist both at district & superior level where initial decisions regarding civil criminal litigations taken place followed by subsequent appeals heard by said supreme court if required thereafter…In addition local magistrate presides over small claims apart from regular dockets some presiding judges have been given special powers deal juvenile delinquency matters exclusively …Finally Public Defender office provide free counsel defendants unable afford private lawyers otherwise charged serious offences..

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