T-Mobile’s Acquisition of Mint, Partially Owned by Ryan Reynolds: What Does it Mean?

by Chloe Baker

Actor Ryan Reynolds has a part-ownership in Mint Mobile, and T-Mobile is buying it. The deal is worth up to $1.35 billion, in cash as well as stocks. By doing so, T-Mobile will gain access to brands like Mint Mobile, Ultra Mobile, and Plum. But they will still run all these companies as separate businesses entities under their brand name.

“I was really shocked when I found out I would be able to own my own wireless company and even more surprised that T-Mobile was going to buy it from me! Life is so weird but I’m feeling grateful for this opportunity.” Reynolds said in a tweet.

On Wednesday, a US cell phone carrier announced that they are now taking control of certain operations, such as sales, marketing, customer service and digital aspects, from two brands. They plan to use their special contacts with suppliers and large-scale distribution to help these brands grow bigger and provide better deals on devices for more American customers looking for low prices.

T-Mobile US Inc. said Mint and Ultra Mobile can help improve their prepaid services that include Metro by T-Mobile, T-Mobile branded prepaid, and Connect by T-Mobile.

The company’s CEO Mike Sievert commented that they want to support the success of Mint’s digital service that is aimed for consumers directly.

T-Mobile will benefit from using the Mint method of marketing on more parts of their business. People will benefit from this change because it will give them a more competitive and wide range of choices. David Glickman and Rizwan Kassim, who created Mint, will stay with T-Mobile once the deal goes through. Additionally, Reynolds will still be involved in making creative promotions for Mint.

The final amount for this deal will be determined depending on how Ka’ena Corp does throughout different times before and after the trade is done. The trading process should finish later in the year.

T-Mobile, from Bellevue in Washington State, has become one of the most popular cellphone providers in America after they bought out their competition Sprint.

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