Philadelphia District Attorney Faces Impeachment by Pennsylvania House Over Progressive Policies

by Ethan Kim
Impeachment of Philadelphia District Attorney

Philadelphia’s District Attorney, a member of the Democratic Party, is confronting a trial in the state Senate and potential ousting from his position. This comes after a vote to impeach him was passed by the Pennsylvania House of Representatives, which is controlled by Republicans. The impeachment centers on his progressive law enforcement policies in a context of escalating crime rates in Philadelphia.

Initiated several months prior, the drive to impeach DA Larry Krasner gained traction as the midterm elections approached. Republicans formalized their intent through an impeachment resolution presented in the weeks preceding the elections. The 107-85 vote, largely along party lines, represents a significant intensification of criticisms previously focused on Democratic mayors and prosecutors within electoral politics.

This vote paves the way for the first impeachment trial in the Pennsylvania Senate in close to 30 years. Although Republicans hold a 29-21 majority in the Senate—a number that will change to a 28-22 majority early next year—a two-thirds majority is required for removal, necessitating support from some Senate Democrats.

Krasner, who secured a landslide reelection in the previous year, is not facing allegations of legal misconduct. Republicans, however, assert that he should be removed due to various factors such as his reluctance to prosecute minor offenses, his approach to bail requests, poor oversight of his staff, and alleged insufficient communication with victims of crime. Accusations were also made that Krasner hindered the House’s inquiry into his office’s operations.

In response, Krasner stated that the impeachment effort is unprecedented in that it targets an elected official based solely on disagreements over policy, without any evidential link to an increase in criminal activity.

Democratic lawmakers pointed out that only two officials have ever been removed through impeachment in Pennsylvania’s history, both of whom were judges. State Representative Martina White, a Republican from Philadelphia and a chief sponsor of the impeachment resolution, retorted that Krasner’s denial of an ongoing crime crisis necessitated this legislative action for accountability.

Former prosecutor and Republican State Representative Tim Bonner warned against the anarchy that could ensue if elected leaders selectively enforce laws. Democrats countered that Krasner is unjustly being made a scapegoat for broader crime issues and that the impeachment undermines the will of the electorate.

State Senator Kim Ward, the highest-ranking Republican in the Senate, stated that extra days will be added to the legislative session to consider the matter, although a rapid resolution is not anticipated. The resolution has mandated the Speaker of the House, presently a Republican, to appoint two majority party members and one minority party member to oversee the Senate case. The dynamics could change if Democrats win the House majority in upcoming elections.

Krasner is not the first progressive prosecutor to face political backlash. San Francisco’s District Attorney Chesa Boudin was recalled by voters in June, while an attempt to recall Democratic Los Angeles District Attorney George Gascón was unsuccessful earlier this summer.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Impeachment of Philadelphia District Attorney

What is the core issue leading to the impeachment of Philadelphia’s District Attorney?

The core issue is District Attorney Larry Krasner’s progressive law enforcement policies, which have been implemented in the context of rising crime rates in Philadelphia. The Pennsylvania House, largely controlled by Republicans, voted to impeach him based on these policies.

Who initiated the impeachment proceedings against Larry Krasner?

The impeachment proceedings were initiated by Republicans in the Pennsylvania House of Representatives. The impeachment resolution was presented in the weeks leading up to the midterm elections and was passed with a 107-85 vote, primarily along party lines.

What will happen next after the House’s impeachment vote?

The impeachment vote sets the stage for a trial in the Pennsylvania State Senate. To remove Larry Krasner from office, a two-thirds majority vote in the Senate is required. Republicans currently hold a slim majority, so they will need support from some Senate Democrats to reach the necessary two-thirds majority.

Is Larry Krasner accused of any illegal activities?

No, Larry Krasner is not accused of any illegal activities. The impeachment is based on various policy choices he has made, including his approach to prosecuting minor crimes and his bail request policies. Republicans have also criticized his staff oversight and allege insufficient communication with victims of crime.

How did Larry Krasner respond to the impeachment vote?

Larry Krasner stated that the impeachment effort is unprecedented in targeting an elected official solely for disagreements over policy. He also noted that there is no evidence linking his policies to an increase in crime in Philadelphia.

Have there been similar cases of impeachment in Pennsylvania?

This would be the first Pennsylvania Senate impeachment trial in nearly three decades. In Pennsylvania’s history, only two officials have ever been removed through impeachment, both of whom were judges.

What is the timeline for the state Senate trial?

State Senator Kim Ward, the highest-ranking Republican in the Senate, stated that extra days will be added to the legislative session to consider this matter. However, a quick resolution is not anticipated.

Could the impending Senate trial be affected by electoral dynamics?

Yes, the current Republican majority in the Senate is slim, and the dynamics could change if Democrats win the House majority in upcoming elections. This could potentially affect the appointment of members to oversee the Senate case.

Are there any similar instances of progressive prosecutors facing political backlash?

Yes, San Francisco’s District Attorney Chesa Boudin was recalled by voters in June, and an effort to recall Democratic Los Angeles District Attorney George Gascón failed earlier this summer.

More about Impeachment of Philadelphia District Attorney

  • Pennsylvania House Votes to Impeach Larry Krasner
  • Overview of Larry Krasner’s Policies
  • Rising Crime Rates in Philadelphia
  • Impeachment Process in Pennsylvania
  • Historical Impeachments in Pennsylvania
  • Political Backlash Against Progressive Prosecutors Nationwide
  • Midterm Elections and Their Impact on State Politics
  • State Senate Majority and Implications for Impeachment Trial
  • Recall of San Francisco District Attorney Chesa Boudin
  • Failed Recall Effort Against Los Angeles District Attorney George Gascón

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SaraInPhilly October 9, 2023 - 12:07 am

I voted for Krasner, and I still stand by him. This is political theater, nothing more.

BlueStateBeliever October 9, 2023 - 3:10 am

Ousting him would be overturning the will of the voters, we chose him for a reason.

FreedomLover October 9, 2023 - 4:39 am

Finally some accountability! its about time we see actions like this against progressive policies.

RetiredCop October 9, 2023 - 9:23 am

Maybe if crime wasn’t skyrocketing, there wouldn’t be an impeachment. Just sayin.

LegalMind October 9, 2023 - 12:44 pm

Isn’t impeachment for illegal activities? Seems like they’re just goin after him cuz they dont like his ideas.

TruthTeller October 9, 2023 - 1:07 pm

This isn’t gonna solve the crime problem in Philly. Feels like a distraction to me.

CivicDuty101 October 9, 2023 - 1:32 pm

Two judges in 200+ years and now this? Either this is a real crisis or just some political game.

SilentMajority October 9, 2023 - 1:52 pm

Remember, this isn’t just happening here. Look at San Francisco and Los Angeles. It’s a trend, people.

JohnDoe123 October 9, 2023 - 2:45 pm

Wow, this is crazy. Politics is really heating up. And all this over policy differences? smh

GlobalWatcher October 9, 2023 - 6:24 pm

Wow, even from abroad this looks like a highly charged situation. US politics never cease to amaze me.


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