Legendary Mexican Kid’s Comic, Xavier López’s Chabelo, Passes Away at 88

by Ryan Lee

Xavier López, famously known as “Chabelo”, has sadly passed away at 88. He was a popular Mexican comedian best-known for hosting the long-running Sunday variety show “En Familia con Chabelo”, which ran from 1967 to 2015. The President of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, wrote on Twitter that even his eldest son had been watching the show since he was very young.

López, who was not related to the president, often wore children’s clothes until he was 80 years old. He helped create an adult comics genre that became a popular part of Mexican TV shows for many years.

He kept playing no matter how old he got and even made people joke that he would outlive everyone else in show business.

The news of his death came on Saturday morning from Jessica Nevilley, López’s agent. His funeral service will be private and held later on Saturday.

López was born in Chicago, USA and his parents were from Mexico. As a kid, he and his family returned to Mexico where he learned to be a doctor. However, eventually he decided that being an actor was what he wanted to do with his life.

Sadly, López passed away due to abdominal complications as mentioned on his fan page by his family. He left behind several children and his wife who are mourning him.

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